Thursday, May 14, 2009

Saturday May 9th

Jenna and I were left behind right to start for breakfast which was not comforting at all for our first day in a very foreign country. After breakfast we took the MRT (subway) to a shop called Lishe to get our make-up done and dress in Kimonos for pictures. Throughout the day we saw about three Americans all of which may or may not have been European. After getting pictures we visited a temple and gardens in the area. The weather here is incredibly hot and always sunny. We had our first real Chinese meal which was very delicious. After lunch we had mango ice cream which was a very interesting experience. We later traveled to Shilin to visit a museum. We found out that no English is available outside out the city epicenter so we had to rely soley on Dr. Chen to get us there and back home. We also found out while using the public transportation system the Taiwanese children are fascinated with Americans. Every time we pass them they act as if they have seen a ghost. After the museum we went to the famous night market. It seems as if all 4 million people in Taiwan visit this same night market at the same time. On our way home from the market we met a Taiwanese lady who helped us with the subway and also spoke perfect English. She was incredibly nice and made us feel very welcome in the country.

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