Thursday, May 14, 2009

Sunday May 10th

This morning we boarded our private bus at 9am. An hour later we arrived at a mountainside village with a market. It had the most horrendous smell I had ever experienced. Another hour long bus ride later we arrived at the north side coast beach known as Fulong Beach. There we ate a "Chinese lunchbox" which was different. When arriving on the beach we learned from a former App student who is getting his MBA here that they import all the sand to make the beaches. It was beautiful. While on the beach we all got drunk and went swimming then took a nap on the way home. We stopped at a convenience station where I experienced my first Asian toilet AKA a hole in the floor. We took a three hour nap when we got home and planned to go out to the bars afterward but were just too tired so we walked to McDonald's to get food instead.

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