Monday, June 8, 2009

Monday, May 18th

I woke up today still feeling a little sick but wanted to participate. We had a class for orientation to the Tokyo subway system and then tried our hand at it by traveling to the Meiju Shrine which was beautiful. After killing some time in that area we headed over to the Gekushuin Womens' College. We had curry for lunch...again. But, other than the curry we got to hang out with one of the students named Chiemi. She was super sweet and taught us a lot about the Japanese culture. After observing a few of the classes we returned to the hotel to go to dinner with a different group of Japanese students. We wound up having a lot in common with all of them and making great friends. We went to the Hub English Pub bar after a huge meal and hung out with Sachiko, Cosse, and Yutaka all night. We took the subway home by ourselves...sucessfully.

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