Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Wednesday, May 20th

Today we woke up very early to head way across Tokyo to Asakusa. The little village was not what I had expected at all. It was over-crowded with people and filled with bakeries and little shops that contained nothing but do-dad souvenirs. Very much a tourist trap. I found a lot of cool buys though. Afterward, Tara, Megan, and I went back to the hotel after the others, had Himalaya Curry for lunch and went to Yoyogi park where we spent the rest of the afternoon. It was one of the most relaxing and best days we had had so far. We also learned a lot about the Japanese while in the park. We learned that they are more accepting of Americans when we are not acting like tourists and we also learned that they are quite fascinated with some of our behaviors. We met a few people while we were there which was also really cool. That night, we went out to eat in Roppongi at Outback for a familiar meal. Excellent.

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