Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Sunday, May 24th

Today we did not have to meet the group until around 1 in the afternoon. We headed over to the ex-pat district where we visited Navin Gupta of HSBC and his wife's apartment/condo. I believe that today was the most beneficial day business wise for me. I learned so much in the two hours that we spent with that family. He taught us about having confidence, competence, and chandour. Besides all of the great knowledge that we obtained we also got to see what a highly ranked ex-pat lives like which seemed to be pretty comfortable. The view from the 48th floor was incredible. After leaving their place, we all headed back to the hotel to change and go out for one last Japanese meal. We came in early to pack and get some rest because we had to be in the lobby ready to leave at 5:30 am. Our plane was leaving Narita airport at 11:30.

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